About – Peter Sommerhoff

About – Peter Sommerhoff

Awesome to have you here!

On this site, I write about software development, especially software design and programming. I love learning new things and document the takeaways on this blog. It’s important to me to make the everything I write as understandable as possible without sacrificing precision. Also, I want to make every article actionable so that you can go out there and apply what you learn right away.


You’re a Beginner?

Great, go ahead and check out my beginner tutorial for the Kotlin programming language. It’s a video course with 10 tutorials for you to watch right now. They will teach you how to set up your computer and start learning your first language.

You’re a Developer?

If you know Java, I urge you to take a look at Kotlin for Java Developers which gives you an overview of 10 Kotlin features you will appreciate, such as data classes, singleton objects, and smart casts.

Also, you can check out how Kotlin allows you to write more concise code when compared to Java by getting rid of much of the boilerplate code.


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